Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Y list celebrity

Ah the Y list or YouTube celeb, they come and go from our lives as quickly as new year’s resolutions enter and leave our physic .Susan Boyle ,Bo Bhurnam ,The Rubber Bandits,Crystal Swing and just a few days ago we were introduced to the Golden toned crooner “Ted Williams”.

 He was “discovered” homeless and begging , in return for a blast of his golden toned radio voice, which transpired to be impossibly smooth and laced with refined charm.Hardened viral addicts were taken aback by the this small  mans big voice” Radio is theatre of the mind” explained Ted as he once again shocked viewers with his eloquent speech .

Presumably now approximately 4-5 days since Ted’s “discovery “(some believe he’s been planted by big wig excue’) He will be inundated with job offers, book deals, interviews and basically bucket loads of cash. Catapulted to stardom without hid nor hair of a Simon Cowell shaped PR effigy. That’s the power of “The People “ these days .The people ,being the ever growing ,constantly multiplying restless beast that is the “The Social Network” with an insatiable appetite for the pure of heart ,extraordinarily bizarre ,genuine folk with a dam good story up their proverbial sleeve.

 They are the Internet massif.Your twitter hounds, your YouTube junkies, myspace addicts,Moses like profits blogging from the web above and you’re every day common or garden facebookers like you and me. To make a story; Neil Prendivels baggage handling saga, a song; the rubber bandits “Horse outside”, a moment; Obama’s inauguration, go viral it’s got to grab the attention of all of the above.

 Ted like all those great viral men who have gone before him managed even if only fleetingly to capture our imagination. He is the epitome of the underdog, for whom everybody routes. The problem for all viral wonders is how turn their 15 minutes of fame into a down payment on a home. Because today’s news, is tomorrows fish and chip shop paper. We the democratic republic of the world wide web applaud Ted’s Frank Sinatra/Will Goodbody gifts and demand that it is rewarded. Our love is not however everlasting and our attention will swing away again, sooner rather than later, its good deed done.

Overnight stardome can now be attained without a squad of professionals on the payroll.This is an exciting new democratic version of fame; it is both refreshing and unnerving. Those with and without talent have seen their stars rise with tremendous velocity but fall again just as quickly. It’s terrific that those with genuine talent are given an opportunity to capitalise on it, and before industry professionals are given the chance to beat them into a state of veggitive, generic comatose. It’s also troubling as real people are fragile, ill-equipped to handle the pressures of; waking up one morning and having a hundred thousand strangers know your name. Doing something out of the ordinary always garnered attention, good or bad. But no one has to deal with the weight of global criticism good and bad.JessiSlatter,Crystal Swing and Miss South Carolina 2007 were all under the age of 18 when they felt the backlash of the world come down around there shoulders.

So do we want to live in this new celebrity democracy ,where the masses rule .The ancient Romans said democracy is just rule by the mob were they right? .With the power to pluck passers by from relative obscurity and thrust them into the lime light and they feed them to the lions when they are finished with them . Does free choice, to watch anything YouTube mean we get to see the best quality viewing. Or is it nice that occasionally the powers that be at the BCC deem that we should allow David attenbourragugh take us on a journey of discovery to the rainforest's and that the news is shown every day.


  1. Love the rubber bandits ,HATE your one Jessi Slaughter ....

  2. Can't wait to see the rubber banditts in collage next week.woooooooo.woooooo.

    I dont think its a question of choice ,eventually everyone will have the choice to watch what ever they want when every they want and there wont be listings or the 9 o'clock news.It's all about sky+ your living in the days of black and white T.v if you think otherwise.

  3. I love the rubber bandits too, I suppose your right sky+ is the way future whether we like it or not.

  4. Told you I'm always right about every thing ;)

  5. Saw the rubber bandits rag week laugh !!!!
