Thursday, January 20, 2011

APP My Life

I think it’s only apt (sorry had to be done) that in my general ramblings of all things digital I mention the modern day phenomenon that is smart phone apps ,their literally multiplying like swine flu on the school run. It seems we can’t get enough of them good, bad and utterly random. The apple app store receives approximately 1000 new apps a day from professional and amateur programmers every day not to mention all the other apps that are available free for download across the web. . The wealth and quality of some of these apps begs the question, do we really need friends any more? Anyone who has downloaded boggle  on their Iphone ,I imagine would have to think long and hard about the answer to that question.  This is just a short list of some of my favourite apps that I’ve herd of ..and as I said theirs new ones literally every day so let me know if you her of any more nifty ones .

1.       Alarm Clock app.

Sound pretty run of the mill we all have an alarm clock on our phones anyway ,so why would we want this one. Well with this one you select not just the tone to which you wish to woken up to but the method by which you turn off the alarm and most importantly THERE IS NO SNOOZE BUTTON ,yes it removes probably one of the single greatest and worst features of the modern day alarm. With this wakeup call you can chose to solve some basic maths problems of varying degrees of difficulty to brush away the cobwebs or set the geolocater so that the alarm wont stop until you have got up and started walking around for a certain period of time…Sheer genius never ” Snooze” away  a day again.

2.         Drunken Dialling Prevention

We’ve all been there, woken up selling of vodka and shame staring at our previously dillied lists. The morning after the night before can be traumatic time for so many of us when we realise that we have called someone inappropriate just because we wanted a chat or called some one not so inappropriate but left highly embarrassing voicemails (theses are the worst as the hard evidence can be replayed over and over again) well anyway this app prevents you from dialling if you are hands aren’t steady enough to hold the phone properly or if you keep making mistakes while dialling .

3.        Shazzam

So your just driving along paying no attention to the radio and then you here your new favourite song …But you don’t know who sings or the name of it which are pivotal points of information to have when telling your telling your friends about cool music before e it gets famous and your so over it by then. Well this is a problem no more this app lets you tag music from the radio pub, club, cooler people ipods and it will give you the name of the artist and the tract .

4.        Is  There a Docter on line?

This one was show cased at the launch of the iPhone 3GS earlier at Apple's WWDC, AirStrip showed off a mobile medical alert app whereby doctors could look at a patient's EKG in real-time over the iPhone. Fingers crossed the doctor's iPhone battery isn't dead when he gets the critical alert.

5.        Boggle, crosswords, Sudoku Apps

OK so this more than just more app but their all of a similar nature and highly addictive. These are all classic games that you can now download onto your ipod and paly whenever .They provide infinite amusement and provide a bit of a daily brain work out.


  1. What happens if you can't work out the maths problem though ???????????

  2. Yeah I though about that one too ,I think its worth the risk though ,I literally always press snooze and am late for so much stuff.

    and sure aoife you love maths don't you ????ha ha

  3. alarm clock amp would be right up my alley .

  4. your definitely not going to switch on the Drunk app if your drunk.
