Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I went to a pirate party during R&G week and herd loads of fantastic jokes and was thinking to myself there really just aren’t enough opportunities to air pirate jokes .September 19th is world talk like a pirate day  but that’s ages away and of course you can change your Facebook language setting to New English (pirate) but in general there just isn’t enough pirate talk .So I decided to dedicate this blog to pirate jokes .

Why did the pirate go to the apple store ?
To buy an iPatch….

What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer?
Shiver me timbers !

What Did the pirate get in his leaving cert ?
All high SEAS !

Pirate walks into a bar ,and asks for a Coras light and the barman says are did you know there’s a the ships wheel is down your pants?
Pirate responds ,Yeah It’s driving me nuts.

Why is the life of a pirate so addictive ?
Because when you loses one hand you get hooked?

Why are pirates so opposed to cannibalism  ?
Because they don’t swallow seaMEN .

Well guys their my favourite pirate jokes if you’ve got or think you’ve got any better one please post them there.


  1. why are pirate jokes so funny because they arrrrr!

  2. What's a pirate's favorite socks? Arrrrgyle.

    What does a pirate think happens at the end of time? Arrrrmageddon.

    What's a pirate's favorite food? Arrrrrtichokes.
