After yet another gruelling day in the library, studying the principles of digital media marketing I decided that I deserved a break. So along with some other library weary friends I planned to head out to the bright lights of Cork city. What better way to unwind than with good company and good wine I thought to myself.
That evening after frequenting a few of the town’s local watering holes and purveying the local talent, I noted to my utter dismay that I was missing my wallet. Now, like many students the loss of a wallet would incur serious financial repercussions,in my case their was in fact no money, or well nothing more than what hillbilly’s would inevitably rob from later in the evening, in it .Alas, to my distress I remembered that my passport driving licence student card, spare student card (from a previous loss and subsequent recovery) were all in my faithful red, heart quilted wallet.
To call this a faithful wallet would be an understatement, It has been stolen and returned to me by the GardaĆ and the kind folk of the Classic no less than three times .It is a veritable homing pigeon among wallets, but unlike a cat I feared it would not have nine lives and this could be the day I would have to bid farewell to my quilted friend.
After a few phone calls, to the aforementioned watering holes, inquiring if any kindly souls had handed in my wallet, I left town. The bright lights of the city seem duller as I left with longing in my heart(no wallet) and in my stomach (no Hillbilly’s).
On my way home I meet what I thought was Good Samaritan, a fellow digital media marketer who shall remain nameless .A Kerry man with a penchant for the younger ladies, standing at 6”+ .Has the penny dropped yet? Well this young fellow assured me he would get me home safe and sound despite my financial difficulties, so we jumped in a taxi and headed for collage road .however, upon arrival at our destination it transpired my friend was having some financial difficulties too. So we had to bid farewell to the taxi driver with a stream of apologies which were met by a stream of… words not fit for my followers. I was beginning to think I should have stayed in the library.
The next morning as I walked down collage road I could find no joy in casting my judging eyes on those returning from their sordid walks of shame. In high heels, with loose morals, last night’s make up and ladders in their tights they may have been missing some of their dignity but I was missing every form of ID I owned and my beloved quilted wallet. After popping into the Honan chapel to get a mass said, for a late relative not my wallet, and saying a quick hail Mary to repent for the taxi incident I made my way to Boole basement to do a spot of printing .
It was here I met the real good Samaritan of my story and where we finally see what my story has to do with the digital world. Before doing any printing or in fact anything on my computer I took the obligatory sweep of Facebook. And there they were, my saviour, my good Samaritan…I had received a Facebook mail from a girl I had never seen before, a fellow UCC student who had found my wallet the previous night .She had used Facebook’s ability to find and stalk anyone for the purest of reasons to tell me that she had my wallet and unlike the people who stole my phone (that’s another story) she was going to drop it into the library for me on Monday .Halleluiah!
They say the devil makes work for ideal hands, but most of the people I know, who have nothing to do are on Facebook .Does this mean Mark Zuckerberg is helping fight the devil I’m not really sure,so what’s the moral of my story …..Don’t get in taxi’s with tall Kerry boys!